Okay, so this post is a little random, but for about a year now I have had an metal ant in my front yard. And I have no idea where it came from. The day it arrived, I asked my roommate if she had bought it even though it didn't seem like the kind of thing she would have/buy. We had a good laugh when she told me she was afraid to ask me about it, because the thing is a little...well, odd. I've never been one for eclectic garden statuary, but she was afraid I had bought it and didn't want to offend. We laughed even more as we weeded out the possibilities. We asked our neighbors if they had put it out there. Dead end. I asked my friends if they had done it as a joke. Dead end. Even my neighbors thought it was a little creepy. We joked about secret admirers and creepy stalkers. Here's what the little guy looks like...
Then, a few months later we got another gifted piece of yard art...
I opened the blinds of my apartment one morning, and there it was brightly waving in the breeze. I was rolling. Hilarious. It had to be a friend. After some interrogations, I found out it was my friends who put the flag out there...But no one knows who was responsible for the ant. He still sits out there to this day. We don't like him, but it's too funny a story to throw him out. I think he will be paying a visit to someone else's yard very soon!
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