Friday, July 13, 2012


O, I have been having so much fun!!! Seriously, I love summer. And this has been an especially fun one, probably because the past two I was in school and working...And beginning next year I will work every summer indefinitely. I am soaking in every second.

Here's the quick overview which will be broken down over the next few weeks with lots of pictures capturing (rather flatly I would say) the wonderfulness that has been my summer. First, a marathon trip across Italy and Germany, a quick trip to Atlanta for an appointment, spending time with friends, and meeting my friends' brand new baby boy, followed by Hillary's wedding in Augusta, a trip with the Glanvilles to the beach, only to come home and turn right back around to the beach with my family. I've been at home for a week now helping to organize and clean my parents' house(no small task), and in an hour or less I will be back on the road with my family to Birmingham to help find my sister an apartment. When we come back Sunday, I will leave Thursday to go to Atlanta again, be back to organize some more for a week, then I have jury duty, right before going to Mississippi to be in my friend Kayla's wedding. My sister will have moved into her new apartment in Birmingham that weekend, and as I drive back I will stop and stay with her for a few days to help her set up her new apartment. Then it's home to finish the work I began here and ending the summer with a big yard sale/bake sale.

I'm not sure if this goes without saying, but I haven't been looking for a job. I started the summer hoping to have a job to start in July or August, and believe me I am ready to start real life back soon. But summer begs to be enjoyed, and I have been doing exactly that. Work will come. Right now, I will enjoy some time with my family and friends while I play.

1 comment:

PCrooks said...

Way to go Carrie...I didn't see a trip to visit your favorite aunt in VA on your itinerary! I can't wait to hear your perspective about all the places you've been!
Love ya,
Aunt Pat